Google Maps adalah sebuah jasa peta globe virtual gratis dan online disediakan oleh Google dapat ditemukan di Ia menawarkan peta yang dapat diseret dan gambar satelit untuk seluruh dunia dan baru-baru ini, Bulan, dan juga menawarkan perencana rute dan pencari letak bisnis di U.S., Kanada, Jepang, Hong Kong,
Contoh perkakas web yang menggunakan Google Maps
Flash Earth compares satellite images of Virtual Earth and Google Maps - Real-time and historic archive of police, fire, and 911 incidents for many major
Cell Phone Reception and Tower Search Graphical cell phone reception and tower locator compiled from the FCC's antenna registration database - plotting Geotagged Flickr photos on a map
Google - an excellent tool to build your own map without any knowledge of Google API and JavaScript. Click, Build & Grab Source Code.
Booming Map - Popular Maps created by users. - Simplifies the process for website owners to implement Google maps on their websites.
Situs web yang mengumpulkan pandangan angkasa Google Maps
Google Sightseeing Showcase site of interesting views
Google Globetrotting Archival site of interesting views
Perljam's Links Another archival site
My Favorite Places on Earth Googlemapper Maniacs' favorite views of the Earth and beyond